Kelly like to eat

Kelly like to eat

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect
Practice makes perfect

Our Hawaii angel

Our Hawaii angel

peek a hoo

Even the Beatles were once young

We love Buzz light year

Will the real Buzz standup! Ian & Max love pretend. When asked what his name is Ian replies, "Buzz" and he is serious. So Brent and I bought them wings. They took them home of course.

I'm buzz light year!

I'm buzz light year!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is Chris' it seems he will
be forever missed and remembered!

Memorial Day can be a little tough on us. We have lost some too soon. Some it is a well deserved rest. I remember how tired Jim was. I know it's hard on Helen getting to know herself without him. She is dearly needed still on this earth.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

5-14/15-9 Golfing the Wendover Tour

Golfing on what Brent calls “The Wendover tour”, was a lot of fun. Great company. I hope to win the Lexus their giving away in June. The Indian Paint Brushes (plant) were in bloom along hole numuber 17. Lots of lizards, horn toads, and the Antelope were around. It was a bit cold on the second day so the men brought out the golf covers. What a difference! Then it warmed up and all was good. The first day we paly some what well. The second day no birdies but no double bogies either! So we ended in 3rd place “net” . Makes the man happy, and we end on a positive note, gambling was “take my money now”.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I know Rachael, this is allover the place! It is a work in process!

No one told me I spelled Xeriscaping wrong!

It's coming along great. Now my fear is instead of cementing the yard Brent will want to rock the whole thing!

Max helps Grandpa alot! He loves rocks. The man is amazing he rocks and tends Max. I'm so jealous, I have to go to work!