Kelly like to eat

Kelly like to eat

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect
Practice makes perfect

Our Hawaii angel

Our Hawaii angel

peek a hoo

Even the Beatles were once young

We love Buzz light year

Will the real Buzz standup! Ian & Max love pretend. When asked what his name is Ian replies, "Buzz" and he is serious. So Brent and I bought them wings. They took them home of course.

I'm buzz light year!

I'm buzz light year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas morning! Without Brookie!:(

Candy Pacifier,mmmm


Rules? There are rules?

Family & Friends!

Christmas at Dave's.

What has Max got?



We love the Wolf!

Ski Bunny!

Christmas morning!

Another Christmas has come and gone! I really miss it! Now I get the pressure to take down the tree! I love to look at it but my top lights went out, except for the shot gun shell lights, they look good! I have to get back to work so the enjoyment is over!
