Kelly like to eat

Kelly like to eat

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect
Practice makes perfect

Our Hawaii angel

Our Hawaii angel

peek a hoo

Even the Beatles were once young

We love Buzz light year

Will the real Buzz standup! Ian & Max love pretend. When asked what his name is Ian replies, "Buzz" and he is serious. So Brent and I bought them wings. They took them home of course.

I'm buzz light year!

I'm buzz light year!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I have been remiss in keeping up this summer. So here are some things in a nut shell.
Ian fractured his leg and had to have a couple of casts.

I took a trip with my mom to Yellowstone the end of September. Pictures will never do justice to Yellowstone.

I have canned Choke Cherry syrup and Spaghetti sauce, salsa & tomatoes. My tomato plants did much better than expected. I always think of a talk I heard where we were asked what will we tell the Lord when he asked why we wasted the bounty he sent? Plus I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing where my food comes from. Organic at it’s best!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your new spooky background! I can't wait to have my own garden so we can be organic-ly fed too! :)
